Date & time: Thursday, January 13th (2022) 11:00 to 12:15 AM,
Location: Online Meeting
- Sjoerd Kluiving (VU Amsterdam, NL)
- Daniel Knitter (CAU Kiel, DE)
- Esperanza Martín Hernández
- Margot Bakkes (VU Amsterdam, NL)
2.Member registration, how is that monitored; do new members get an acknowledgment? And do old members get a reminder to renew?
3.Landscapes, Taylor & Francis, need a new list, updated list.
4.IALA Board structure, replacing Daniel during LAC2022
5.Planning General Assembly, preferably during LAC2022, who will give feedback on the financial report?
6.Finances of IALA (Daniel)
7.Website provider status
8.Website changes and edits
9.LAC2022: online and/or hybrid?, see mail messages of George Bodi and Marcel Mindrescu as attachments
10.LAC2024 news, see mail of Almudena
– Opening 5th GA, Welcome
Establishing Zoom contacts.
Sjoerd shares the agenda of this meeting and explains the content of the meeting. Everybody is free to add discussion points.
– About Member registration:
It is noted that some new members of IALA have not received a confirmation and welcome mail, so it is proposed to draft a generic letter to be sent to all new members.
It is also proposed to revise the excel list of IALA members and to add any necessary updates. This also has an impact on Taylor & Francis, who need an updated list.
– Financial Overview:
It would be appropriate to check which memberships have not paid and to differentiate between those that have been renewed and those that have not.
The IALA membership has to be renewed and a reminder mail should be sent. In this mailing, it would be appropriate to include the benefits of membership, such as reductions in LAC meetings and free participation in other conventions and meetings.
Later in the meeting it was noted that the new payment for the website has been made for a value of 60 euros. Next payment is due in one year.
On the website, S.J.K. noted that the double hosting should be cancelled since a cheaper website provider is found (INWX). S.J.K. will check whether the contract with the old provider is cancelled properly.
– IALA boardstructure:
- Knitter is leaving academia end of January, so he will have much less time and thinks it is much better that his place is replaced by someone who can devote more time to this work. At the same time, he believes that young people are much more skilled in network development and community management.
It was concluded that it would be a good idea to ask in social networks and among our own network of contacts for a good profile to be treasurer of IALA.
In addition we discussed briefly the IALA Student Council, SKJ promises to contact IALA students for the next Spring meeting.
– General Assembly:
Clearly the best time to hold a first meeting in the year 2022 is the first half of the year 2022, with March and April being the most suitable months. According to the statutes this meeting is needed (in the first half of the year) to postpone the General Assembly until September.
For this Spring meeting it is proposed that students who may form part of future organigrams be present and it is also proposed that D.K. present the accounts so far.
One of the ideas to be carried out with the students is the possibility of presenting IALA meetings in other languages and in conjunction with other universities.
– Website provider status/Website changes and edits:
In addition to the above mentioned search for a new provider, Margot is asked about the possibility of integrating facebook or other social networks such as twitter into the website, with selected content from landscape archaeology and other sibling topics.
The aim would be to create a webpage with a pleasant interface, which would allow all these news and updates to be uploaded.
D.K. asks E.M. if there have been any problems with the email again or his query, to which he replies that after receiving some spam, everything flows smoothly.
– LAC 2022. Romania
The Romanian members have written to say that they have financial sponsorship, so it is proposed that for the first time the congress will be free of charge, but at the same time they confirm that they will not encourage participants to become members of IALA during the congress.
What do the participants of this meeting think about this? Generally speaking, we all think it is quite right that such conferences, being virtual, should be free of charge. It is an obvious problem for attracting new IALA members, but it always opens up more possibilities for participants who do not wish to pay to attend conferences.
It remains to rethink how more people can be reached for the recruitment of new IALA members during the sessions of this new LAC 2022.
S.J.K. tells us all about the possibility of this conference being a hybrid, partly with participants present who could go on excursions (these parameters changed days after our meeting) and meet physically in Romania.
– LAC 2024. Spain ?
Sjoerd sends us all an email from Almudena Orejas, who proposes a new congress in 2024 in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, hosted by the Regional Archaeological Museum and headed by Primitiva Bueno and Pila Diartea.
Sjoerd asks E.M. for her opinion as a spanish researcher, but she says she cannot be objective, as she works with P. Bueno and considers her work on prehistoric themes to be exceptional. The museum in Alcalá de Henares is also fantastic. everyone agrees that this seems a good option. Time and the development of the pandemic will determine the processes in the next LAC.
– Final questions and queries
It is reminded of the need to update the website, which has data from 2020. Daniel again offered to help with the mailing and Esperanza did the same for web content and other media.
Participants were invited to a future meeting in the spring, maybe on Wednesday 13 April, 14.00, and the rest were encouraged to think of people who could form part of the IALA community. We can think of organizing a small online seminar preceding the meeting to attract young IALA researchers.
Farewell and closing.