Landscape archaeology is a rapidly expanding field of research that is covered by scholars from an increasing number of disciplines, such as archaeology, earth sciences, historical geography, ecology and anthropology. The mission of LAC conferences is to have multiple sessions within which interdisciplinary scholars can exchange and discuss research experiences and theoretical ideas on Landscape Archaeology. Landscape Archaeology today is the result of the interdisciplinary developments in science and humanities and all associated disciplines that have landscape as a common platform.
Starting January 2010 the 1st international Landscape Archaeology Conference (LAC2010) was organised at the VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. LAC2012 took place in Berlin, Germany in June 2012. Hosted by the Royal Netherlands Institute the LAC 2014 conference was held in Rome, Italy, in September 2014. LAC2016 was held in August 2016 organised by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, Sweden. Durham and Newcastle Universities in the United Kingdom have hosted the 5th LAC conference in September 2018.