Minutes of 4th General Assembly (June 2020)

Date & time: 4th of June 2020, 10-12 AM

Location: ZOOM Meeting

• Sjoerd Kluiving (VU Amsterdam, NL)
• Daniel Knitter (CAU Kiel, DE)
• Annelies Koopman (Capelle ad IJssel, NL)
• Charles Kinyera Okeny
• Jan Krause
• Mara Visona
• Carole Crumley
• Guillermo Reher
• Wiebke Bebermeier
• Paul Lane


  • Opening 4th GA, establishing ZOOM contacts
  • Discussion of the Minutes of 3rd GA VU Amsterdam
  • Financial Balance 2019 (report of subcommittee)
  • Postponement of LAC2020 to June 2021
  • LAC2022 in September 2022
  • SNELA meeting 2021
  • Assistance for IALA Website Maintenance
  • Future plans
  • Any other business
  • Closure 4th GA


Establishing Zoom contacts.
Sjoerd shares the agenda of this meeting and explains the content of the meeting. Everybody is free to add discussion points.
Sjoerd goes through the action points discussed by the board members at the 3rd GA in Amsterdam.
Annelies: Statutes in English (DeepL) have been posted online after they have been checked for legality by mr. G.H. Breukelaar (Policy Official at the VU University Amsterdam).
The minutes of this 4th GA will be send around to IALA members and advisory board and will be posted on the IALA webpage.

Financial Balance 2019 (report of subcommittee)
The financial balance of 2019, constructed by Daniel Knitter, has been approved by the independent subcommittee: Dr. Moritz Nykamp and Dr. Jan Krause.
Jan Krause: There is a balance between dashboard Mollie and mutations Triodos. The mismatch spotted in the account balances was clarified by Daniel and now everything is fine.
The computerized report, automatized by Daniel, combines and keeps track of information from Triodos bank account and Mollie credit card payments.

Postponement of LAC2020 to June 2021
Guillermo Reher: Postponement of LAC2020 was not the first choice, but eventually became inevitable. LAC2021 is planned between 5-8 June 2021, dates have been posted on website. We assume that speakers of ‘old proposals’ will still join LAC2021. We also expect new proposals for LAC2021! New proposals will be possible in Fall. Old proposals are kept and people have been informed about this matter.
Sjoerd: As Europe is opening up, are people still willing to physically travel to conferences? We may end up with a ‘digital conference’ combined with a ‘live conference’ for those people who do not want to travel. This becomes increasingly normal! Sjoerd suggests to explore this option also for LAC2021.

LAC2022 in September 2022
LAC2022 may be held in Romania in September 2022. Potential organizers (George Bodi and Marcel Mindrescu) with a background in both Archaeology and Quaternary Geology, are interested in organizing the next LAC2022 in September 2022. So less than 1,5 years in between LAC2021 and LAC2022.

Sjoerd does not see any problem with this time schedule, but asks whether we may get an inflation of conferences?
Guillermo: Papers for LAC2021 in June 2021 may pick a few papers away for LAC2022 in September. But there are potentially a lot of papers and the conferences will enjoy a lot more public than expected. Trend is more professionalism in Landscape Archaeology. In Madrid we can fully refer to the Romanian LAC2022.
Sjoerd: LAC2022 in Romania is semi-confirmed, Sjoerd will follow-up contacting Brodi and Mindrescu and we will keep everbody posted!

Wiebke Bebermeier and Paul Lane check in with Zoom to join the meeting.

SNELA meeting 2021 Linda Whittaker from the Society for Near Eastern Archaeology contacted the IALA Board in Newcastle to get IALA involved in the Society. Later we have had frequent contact, also SNELA is now postponing the meeting due to Corona. We intend to keep each other updated about our plans. tUnfortunately Linda is not in the Zoom audience right now.

Sjoerd: We prefer to have a SNELA meeting in 2021, but we need to avoid conflict with LAC2021 in Madrid. We will need to have contact with Linda, so she can plan.

Assistance for IALA Website Maintenance
Daniel: It is necessary to professionalize the IALA IT infrastructure to offer the best support to our members and landscape archaeology. This is too much for the IALA Board alone.
IALA is looking for somebody (a member?) who can help with maintaining the member database and website (CiviCRM member management and payment processing, CiviCRM website integration, WordPress maintenance).
Wiebke proposes to advertise on the IALA webpage to attract students.
Other suggestions: advertise on FaceBook page, on Research Gate, through mail? Attract students!
Sjoerd asks Daniel to make a small add for this purpose.

Future plans

Carole Crumley: International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE): hard to separate from IALA, overlap with archaeology. It would be interesting to explore connections between IALA and Landscape Ecology.
Sjoerd: increasing collaboration between disciplines fits into the yard of IALA. More outreach.

Any other business
Jan Krause: Outreach > for example mixing through digital connection between disciplines. When giving a talk e.g. at IALA/IALE conference, than record it and provide it for interested viewers to see at the IALA/IALE homepages
Guillermo: Study the effects of quarantine on doing archaeology from home.
-Travel Awards: Provide young researchers the option to travel to conferences. For LAC2020 we never finished this process. IALA offered the applicants for the Travel Awards reduced membership fees and we invited them to his meeting. We will re-program the Travel Awards for the LAC2021 event in Madrid.
-Awards for best dissertation and support in Article Processing Charges
Sjoerd: Wiebke is a great supporter of dissertation awards. Are these types of awards a good idea for the time being?
Paul Lane: It might be valuable and useful to make such an award possible in the next 12 months.
Paul also suggests to have a IALA student board and student representative in the IALA board Discussion through email, self-steering and convening. We will explore these plans in next board meetings, see wat we can implement and discuss about this at the next General Assembly.

Closure 4th GA
Sjoerd introduces upcoming webinar on Future Landscape Archaeology via Zoom at 2 PM.
Charles speaks out his appreciation for IALA and he is glad to have met a few of us visually. His professional contact with Carole Crumley did encourage him.
Sjoerd asks Charles if he is interested in joining the student group Paul Lane was talking about. Yes, Charles wants to participate! Thank you Charles!
Paul Lane: New membership rate for people who live in low income countries: 20 euro’s.
Sjoerd: increase international reach of IALA